Wednesday, February 22, 2012

New Content

Okay, so you know how I said this project was complete? Well, fuck all of that because apparently the creators decided to finish up that incomplete recollection room and do a bunch of after stories for all the other characters while they were at it!

Most of the extra stories are pretty short, but altogether they're somewhat lengthy. Considering I also need to reprogram some of the stuff into a English locale-usable format and some other stuff, it'll still probably take a while.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

And that's a wrap.

Well, the English release is out, and hopefully finished barring any error fixes, so this project's complete. It was an enjoyable, if longer experience than I had initially expected, but oh well. I can't really say that it's that great of a translation, but I did the best I could, and I do feel I've learned a few things from it (not the least of which is to never, ever fucking use RPG Maker XP to make a game), so in the end it was a good experience.

I'm not planning on doing anymore game translations, nor am I really going to be updating or sticking around this blog beyond a couple weeks to oversee any possible fixes, but the internet's an interesting place, so who knows what'll happen.

Regardless, for everyone following the project: thanks for the support. It helped move me along in my lazy pace. I hope you and everyone else enjoy(ed) the game.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Progress [02/14/02]

The translation is finished.

I was planning on wrapping up all the programming and whatnot today and then releasing it, but it ended up not quite working out that way. Instead I'll just say that if all goes well I'll have it finished and out sometime tomorrow [02/15/02]. I can't guarantee it, of course, but that's the plan, and I hope to stick to it.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Progress [02/13/12]

Right. I've spent some more of my free time on this and have sort of gotten back into the swing of things. The Exorcist is the only one left now, and I've started on him, so it shouldn't be an incredibly long time before I'm finished with the translation.

With that said, I've been looking around at the programming and I noticed a few things I'd like to take care of before I actually put out a release. To be more detailed, once the Exorcist (and developer/recollection room) scene is done, I'm going over the new parts of the script a bit to try and edit any typos or whatnot that I find, and after that I'm going to see if I can't fix a few errors (like a few CGs not showing up properly during one of Theresia's sex scenes), and after THAT I need to see if I can't connect an after story of some sort of sex scene between the Exorcist, Mea and Amuni. (Do note, I'm not sure this scene is actually complete, since the developer left it unattached to their main game in any way, it's just sort of some floating text in the developer room along with some unused CGs you can find in the pictures folder, but we'll see, yeah?)

tl;dr: There's more work I need to do after the translation, so when that's done it's not going to be released right away. Just so you know.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Progress [02/11/12]

Everything but the end game is finished up now. Honestly, the date scene took a lot more work than I expected, since I spent a lot of time fruitlessly thinking of how I could retain as much of the... subtleties, I suppose you could say, of the speech changes. Sadly, I ended up not being able to translate much of the nuances of Daiya switching between masculine and feminine styles of speech that great, so it falls a bit flat in areas.

Next up are the final corruptions and the Exorcist scenes, then the translation'll be done. (The developer room isn't going to take more than a handful of minutes when I finally get to it, and the recollection room is more a matter of copy+paste and then a bit of programming.)

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Progress [02/05/12]

This is for people curious on how far along I am, and how much is left to work translate.

I've had a little bit more time to waste these past few days, and thus I've made a good chunk of progress from my near standstill the past week or two. Still a long ways to go, mind, since the final corruptions scenes are practically the size of all the other scenes from 0.7 onwards put together, but it's still progress. Also took about a half an hour to go over the list of errors KMZ helpfully provided me and edited those in, so the script has become a lot less error-ridden.

Due to the fact that I can't actually give an accurate percentage of what's left thanks to the shitty format of RPG Maker, this all basically off my guessing, so I'm not going to be giving hard numbers. Instead, I'll be noting each corruption person or group, and how far along they are. There are some miscellaneous other scenes not about sex or corruption per se, but I've also included those too.